Articles Publications
Publication Year: 2019-20:
1. Mukhopadhyay, S., Bouwman, H., & Jaiswal, M. P. (2019). An open platform centric approach for scalable government service delivery to the poor: The Aadhaar case. Government Information Quarterly (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 4.311).
2. Gupta, P., Chauhan, S., & Jaiswal, M. P. (2019). Classification of smart city research-a descriptive literature review and future research agenda. Information Systems Frontiers (ABDC A; Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 2.539).
3. Chauhan, S., Goyal, S., Gupta, P., Jaiswal, M.P., & Mehta, N. (Accepted and forthcoming, 2020). An empirical investigation of determinants for adoption of C2C auction marketplaces. International Journal of Business Information Systems (ABDC C).
4. Arya, P., Srivastava, M. K., & Jaiswal, M. P. (2019). Modelling environmental and economic sustainability of logistics. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (ABDC C).
5. Dasgupta R., & Guha Deb, S. (Accepted and forthcoming, 2020). Exploring the relationship between risk and performance in listed Indian firms. International Journal of the Economics of Business (ABDC B).
6. Guha Deb, S. (2019). A VaRbased downside risk analysis of Indian equity mutual funds in the pre and post-global financial crisis periods, Journal of Emerging Market Finance (ABDC B).
7. Guha Deb, S. (2019). Persistence of actively managed equity mutual fund performance: new Indian Evidence, IIMB Management Review (ABDC B).
8. Guha Deb., S. & Misra B. (2020). A new insight into value-premium and size premium, IIMB Management Review (ABDC B).
9. Guha Deb., S., Misra S., & Banarejee. P. (2019). Banking sector and economic growth: a cross country analysis over different economic cycles, Studies in Economics and Finance (ABDC B).
10. Pathak. J., & Guha Deb, S. (2020). Stylized Patterns in implied volatility indices and stock market returns: across country analysis across developed and emerging markets. Cogent Journal of Economics and Finance (ABDC B).
11. Mohapatra. B., Mohapatra. S., Samanta. B & Guha Deb, S. (2020). Portfolio optimization using modified nsga-ii algorithm. South Asian Journal of Management (ABDC C).
12. Kumar. R., Guha Deb. S., & Mukherjee, S. (2020). Do Words Reveal the Latent Truth? Identifying Communication patterns of Corporate Losers. Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Finance (ABDC A).
13. Kumar, R., P. K. Bala and Mukherjee, S. (2020). A New Neighborhood Formation Approach for Solving Cold-Start User Problem in Collaborative Filtering. International Journal of Applied Management Science.
14. Ravindran, L., and Kumar, R. (2019). Development induced displacement: a data mining approach towards vulnerability and impoverishment risks. International Journal of Development and Conflict. (ABDC B).
15. Mahapatra, D., Katiyar, R, Parida, R. & Kumar, D. (2020). A fuzzy multi-criteria approach for evaluating the contribution of freight transportation towards India’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). International Journal of Production Research (ABDC A).
16. Parida, R. (2019). Health Hazards Faced by Handloom Weavers in Odisha Need Urgent Attention. Economic and Political Weekly. (ABDC B).
17. Mittal, S., Singh, S., & Sengupta, A. (2019). Multidimensionality in organizational justice-trust relationship for newcomer employees: A moderated-mediation model. Current Psychology (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 1.280).
18. Sharma, S.K., Sengupta, A., & Panja, S.C. (2019). Mapping corruption risks in public procurement: Uncovering improvement opportunities and strengthening controls. Public Performance & Management Review (ABDC B).
19. Singh, S., Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., & Pradhan, R.K. (2019). A dual-pathway model of knowledge exchange: Linking human and psychosocial capital with prosocial knowledge effectiveness. Journal of Knowledge Management (ABDC A).
20. Tripathi, A.K. (2019). Feeling the Pulse: Towards Production Expansion of Pulses in India. Journal of Asian and African Studies (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 0.433).
21. Tripathi, A. & Sindhi, S. (Accepted and forthcoming, 2020). Drought, Heat Waves and Agricultural Adaptations: An Historical Account from India. Economic & Political Weekly (ABDC B)
22. Fulzele, V., Shankar, R., & Choudhary, D. (2019). A model for the selection of transportation modes in the context of sustainable freight transportation. Industrial Management & Data Systems (ABDC A).
23. Choudhary, D., Shankar, R., & Choudhary, A. (2020). An integrated approach for modelling sustainability risks in freight transportation systems. Risk Analysis (ABS 4; Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 2.564).
24. Aggarwal, D., Chandrasekaran, S., & Annamalai, B. (2020). A complete empirical ensemble mode decomposition and support vector machine-based approach to predict Bitcoin prices. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (ABDC A)
25. Chandrasekaran, S., Annamalai, B., & De, S.K. (2019). Evaluating marketer generated content popularity on brand fan pages – A multilevel modeling approach. Telematics and Informatics (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 3.714).
26. Annamalai, B., Chandrasekaran, S. (2019). Conceptual Mapping of Sensory Cues with Brand Association. South Asian Journal of Management (ABDC C).
Publication Year: 2018-19:
1. Gupta, P., Chauhan, S., & Jaiswal, M. (Accepted and Forthcoming, 2019). Classification of smart city research – A descriptive literature review and future research agenda. Information Systems Frontiers. (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor- 3.232; ABDC Rank A).
2. Chauhan, S., Gupta, P., & Jaiswal, M. (2018). Factors inhibiting the internet adoption by base of the pyramid in India. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, Vol. 20(4), pp. 323-336. (Thomson Reuters Impact factor – 1.57).
3. Chauhan, S., Jaiswal, M., Rai, S., Motiwalla, L., & Pipino, L. (2018). Determinants of adoption for open-source office applications: A plural investigation. Information Systems Management, Vol. 35(2), pp. 80-97. (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 1.255; ABDC Rank B).
4. Chauhan, S., Mukhopadhyay, S., & Jaiswal, M. (2018). The adoption of mobile app for B2C transaction in platform marketplace: An empirical examination of key drivers. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, Vol. 20(1), pp. 9-22. (ABDC Rank C).
5. Chauhan, S., Jaiswal, M., & Kar, A. K. (2018). The acceptance of electronic voting machines in India: a UTAUT approach. Electronic Government, an International Journal, Vol. 14(3), pp. 255- 275.
6. Bouwman, Sandip M, & Jaiswal, M. (Accepted and Forthcmong, 2019). A Platform Centric Approach to achieve Scalable Government Delivery in a BOP Context. Government Information Quarterly (Elsevier). (Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 5.231).
7. Guha Deb, S., Misra, S., & Banerjee, P. (Accepted and forthcoming, 2019). Banking sector and economic growth: A cross country analysis over different economic cycles. Studies in Economics and Finance (Emerald). (ABDC Rank B).
8. Guha Deb, S. (Accepted and Forthcmong, 2019). Persistence of actively managed equity mutual fund performance: New Indian evidence. IIMB Management Review (Elsevier). (ABDC Rank B).
9. Mishra, S. & Guha Deb, S. (2018). Predictors of firm growth in India: An exploratory analysis using accounting information. Cogent Economics & Finance, Vol. 6(1), pp. 1553-571 (Taylor and Francis). (ABCD Rank B).
10. Thakurta, R. & Guha Deb, S. (2018). IS/IT investments and firm performance: Indian evidence. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Vol. 21(3), pp. 188-207 (Taylor and Francis). (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 1.000; ABDC Rank B). DOI: 10.1080/1097198X.2018.1498274.
11. Guha Deb, S. & Banerjee, P. (2018). Low leverage policy: A boon or bane for Indian shareholders. Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. 12(4), pp. 489-507 (Emerald). (ABDC Rank C).
12. Garg, S., & Mahapatra, D. (2019). Hybrid annuity model: Hamming risk allocations in Indian highway public–private partnerships. Journal of Public Affairs (Wiley). (ABDC Rank B). e1890.
13. Palvia, S., Aeron, P., Gupta, P., Mahapatra, D., Parida, R., Rosner, R., & Sindhi, S. (2018). Online Education: Worldwide status, challenges, trends, and implications. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Vol. 21(4), pp. 233-241 (Taylor and Francis). (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 1.000; ABDC Rank B).
14. Singh, S., Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., & Pradhan, R.K. (Accepted and Forthcoming 2019). A dual- pathway model of knowledge exchange: Linking human and psychosocial capital with prosocial knowledge effectiveness. Journal of Knowledge Management (Emerald). (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 2.551; ABDC Rank A).
15. Sharma, S.K., Sengupta, A., & Panja, S.C. (2019). Mapping corruption risks in public procurement: Uncovering improvement opportunities and strengthening controls. Public Performance and Management Review (Taylor &; Francis). (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 1.197; ABDC Rank B).
16. Tripathi, A.K. (Accepted and Forthcoming). Feeling the Pulse: Towards production expansion of Pulses in India. Journal of Asian and African Studies (Sage). (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 0.522).
17. Sindhi, S., Choudhury, P.R. (2018). Spring Health’s Tryst: Selling safe drinking water. Asian Case Research Journal, Vol. 22(2), pp. 219-237 (World Scientific). (ABDC Rank C).
18. Tripathi, A., K. (2019). Feeling the Pulse: Towards Production Expansion of Pulses in India, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 54 No. 6, pp 894-912.
Publication Year: 2017-18:
1. Chauhan, S., Jaiswal, M., Rai, S., & Motiwal, L. (2018). Determinants of adoption of open source office applications: A plural investigation. Information Systems Management, Vol. 35(2), pp. 80-97. (ABDC Rank B).
2. Chauhan, S., Mukhopadhyay, S., & Jaiswal, M. (2018). The adoption of mobile app for B2C transaction in platform marketplace: An empirical examination of key drivers. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, pp. 1–14. doi:10.1080/15228053.2018.1453338
3. Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., Agrawal, N.M., & Gupta, S. (accepted and forthcoming). How Prosocial is Proactive: Developing and Validating a Scale and Process-model of Knowledge-based Proactive Helping. Journal of Management & Organization (Cambridge University), pp. 1-26. (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 0.539; ABDC Rank B).
4. Mittal, S., Singh, S., Sengupta, A. (2017). Multidimensionality in organizational justice-trust relationship for newcomer employees: A moderated-mediation model. Current Psychology (Springer). (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor – 0.953).
5. Tripathi, A. (2017). Price and Profitability Analysis of Major Pulses in India. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 14(2), pp. 83-102. (ABDC Rank C). 6. Bag, S., Gupta, S., & Telukdarie, A. (2017). Exploring the relationship between unethical practices, buyer–supplier relationships and green design for sustainability. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Vol. 11(2), pp. 97–109. doi:10.1080/19397038.2017.1376723