Second Year

In the second year of the Programme, participants register for elective courses that are, courses of their choice, from a large set of courses offered by various Academic Areas of the Institute. The elective courses are expected to enable a student to gain deeper knowledge and understanding of and to acquire the required skills in specific/chosen areas in management.

Credit Requirement in the second year

Each student must earn a minimum of 48 credits through the courses offered. The Term wise as well as overall minimum credit requirement is as follows:

Second Year Credit Requirements


Minimum Credit

Maximum Credit














Elective Courses: The elective courses are offered during the fourth, fifth, and sixth Terms of the programme.  The final decision on the specific set of elective courses to be offered in each Term rests with the PGP Executive Committee. The PGP Executive committee normally takes this decision based on recommendations of the Academic Areas in the institute. The list of elective courses on offer during the academic year 2020-21 is given below:

Sl. NoCourse TitleAreaTermCredits
1Financial Services (FS)Accounting & FinanceIV3
2International Finance (IF)Accounting & FinanceIV3
3Options Futures and Derivatives (OFD)Accounting & FinanceIV3
4Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (SAPM)Accounting & FinanceIV3
5Game Theory (GT)EconomicsIV3
6Brand Management (BM)Marketing ManagementIV3
7Consumer Behavior (CB)Marketing ManagementIV3
8FMCG Marketing (FMCGM)Marketing ManagementIV1.5
9Marketing of Services (MoS)Marketing ManagementIV3
10Sales & Distribution Management (SDM)Marketing ManagementIV3
11Human Resource PlanningOB & HRMIV1.5
12Industrial Relations & Labour LawsOB & HRMIV3
13Learning & DevelopmentOB & HRMIV1.5
14Performance Management SystemOB & HRMIV1.5
15Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM)Operations ManagementIV3
16Project ManagementOperations ManagementIV1.5
17Systems Dynamics (SD)Policy & Strategic ManagementIV1.5
1Business Analysis & ValuationAccounting & FinanceV3
2Commercial Banking (CB)Accounting & FinanceV3
3Fixed Income Securities (FIS)Accounting & FinanceV3
4Risk Management in Banks and Financial Institutions (RMBFI)Accounting & FinanceV3
5Big Data Analytics (BDA)Information System ManagementV1.5
6Business Analytics using R (BAR)Information System ManagementV3
7IT Consulting (ITC)Information System ManagementV1.5
8Advanced Marketing Research (AMR)Marketing ManagementV3
9E-Commerce MarketingMarketing ManagementV1.5
10Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)Marketing ManagementV3
11Marketing Analytics (MA)Marketing ManagementV1.5
12Pricing (Pr)Marketing ManagementV1.5
13Rural Marketing (RM)Marketing ManagementV1.5
14Compensation ManagementOB & HRMV3
15Competencies and talent managementOB & HRMV3
16Digitalization in HROB & HRMV1.5
17Organization Development and Change Management OB & HRMV1.5
18Service Operations (SO)Operations ManagementV3
19Business Models (BMD)Policy & Strategic ManagementV3
20Emerging Business Trends (EBT)Policy & Strategic ManagementV1.5
1Financial Analytics using MS Excel and R (FAER)Accounting & FinanceVI3
2FINTECHAccounting & FinanceVI3
3Mergers & Acquisitions (M & A)Accounting & FinanceVI3
4B2B Marketing (B2BM)Marketing ManagementVI1.5
5Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Marketing ManagementVI1.5
6Digital Marketing (DM)Marketing ManagementVI1.5
7Retail Management Strategy (RMS)Marketing ManagementVI3
8Strategic Marketing (SM)Marketing ManagementVI3
10Strategic HRMOB & HRMVI3
11Operations StrategyOperations ManagementVI3
12Theory of Constraints (TOC)Operations ManagementVI1.5


Non-Credit Courses: Three skill-based compulsory non-credit courses are offered to the participants to enhance their professional skills apart from the credit-courses. The participants will be evaluated and declared as Pass/Fail in these courses on the basis of their performance. However, the scores of these courses are not included in the computation of CGPA. The participants will not be conferred the final MBA degree till the successful completion, with Pass, of these courses.